Ok so Denmark doesn't really have any mountains but that doesn't mean it can't feel like I'm running up some!
Today was my 'comeback' run after nearly 3 weeks away from running! (my mole is completely gone though and healed without a scar) Oh I've missed running so much....I am quite clearly addicted :-)
The last week has been really bad! I have been sad, quiet, tired, and sick. I'm blaming the lack of exercise!
Today was the first time that there has been an Ørestad Bjergløb (mountain run). Ørestad is my home ground so, of course, this was a run I would do....It was organised by Ørestad Løbeklub. (as I forgot my camera I have permission from another runner called Sofia to use hers)
Ørestad is a new area of the city and has some great modern architecture. In this run we got to go inside some of these buildings where I have never been before. I was looking very much forward to that part!
me in the white hat as usual |
Fields Shopping Center |
The run started in Ørestad Park and then to and inside Fields shopping centre. Once inside we ran up the spiral staircase and then down the other side of the center to the bottom. Then up a little, and up the moving slope (not moving today) and back down again and then past some more shops and back out where we came in.
the steep hill |
steep hill again |
We then ran through some 'proper' fields this time up to a big VERY steep hill. This we then run up, around, and back down again. Hard on the legs!
Then it was through some more nature and up to the building called 8-tallet.
8-tallet |
8-tallet |
Once at 8-tallet we ran up the slope around the building, then up a ton of steps, and back down a slope. Then it was up many many more steps we ran. I had to walk a little of them as my legs turned to jelly! I've never experienced that before. I walked it off then went back down steps and slopes to the bottom again. Once there I was told to run the steps up again by mistake!! I said' no way I've already done it'. Another trip up would have killed me for sure!
Rambøll building |
After that it was another long straight running stretch to take us to the next building which belongs to Rambøll. I know someone that works in there and they were watching out for me on the stairs to cheer me on :-) Inside we ran all the way up, round the inside and then back down and out again.
Ørestad school |
Next the course went back past Fields and on to Ørestad School. Here we ran up on the outside of the building and then we ran down. I walked up the last two flights of stairs here as it was mega hard going! The problem was that you thought you were at the top then turned a corner and there were around six more flights of stairs in front of you. It reminded me of Madrid in that way.
inside Ørestad college |
Once finished with the school we ran next door into the college. This has a large spiral staircase inside which, of course, we all then run up to the top of and run back down again :-)
my favourite steps |
Then it was on to a fantastic building called VM Bjerget which has steps running up and down the outside of it. This was very easy for me as these are the very steps that I have done a lot of my Madrid marathon training on. These were fun :-)
Afterwards it was little run back to the park again and over the finish line!!
the finish line |
While this was an extremely hard run for me I will definately be doing it next year as well :-) Hopefully without having had a three week break before!