11 Sept 2011

Venindeløbet 2011! (Friendship Run)

Today I ran 10k in the Venindeløbet 2011 down on Amagerstrand.

It's a womens run which I normally don't like doing as so many women that run these races only run once or twice a year so they don't have a clue about 'running races rules'.

The main rule being:-

If you need to stop and do up your shoelace, walk a bit, catch your breath, have a drink, scratch your bum, please run over to the right hand side of the course and make sure no one is behind you before you stop or start walking.

If everyone followed this simple rule races would be much more pleasant! As a woman myself I am allowed to say that very rarely does a man stop or start walking in the middle of the track.

Anyway I decided to run this womens race because it was at Amagerstrand and, as you may know by now, I LOVE running along Amagerstrand :-)

I did a bit of running coaching for my friend Alison all the way round. I had already decided not to try for my best time and to just take it easy and enjoy the run!

Alison (and many other women) were finding it hard going as the race was in the middle of the day and the weather decided for the first time in a long time to be hot and sunny just before the race started.
There was one water stop at 5k but I don't think this was enough.
I think the organisers should have taken note of the changed weather conditions and quickly set up a water stop at the 3k/8k point. This would have made the race a much nicer experience for many of the women.

As I was running slow for me I once again had another fantastic Amagerstrand run :-)

Alison and I sprinted the last 40 metres over the finish line together and finished in 1 hour and 4 minutes!


  1. Funny to read how you get irritated by the lack of ettiquette. I thought women were the keepers if it ;)

    Sounds like a nice place to run..next time in CPH!

  2. It's a fantastic place to run :-)

    If it's not sunny then you almost have the place to yourself around 9am. I love hearing the sea, watching the ships and also seeing airplanes coming into land!

    When you're over again we'll have a run together there :-)
