30 Jan 2011

20km Run Today in Minus 2 degrees!

See my run at http://go.nike.com/1f6pe0g

Right now I'm wondering if I should run the Polar Marathon instead of Copenhagen?
I'm certainly training very much in snow, ice and minus degrees!

I'm only joking :-) I think the Polar Marathon would kill me as I really hate the cold!

Anyway, today I ran a great 20km run! The sun was shining which always puts me into a good mood :-)

I ran from my home, through the Amagerfælled and over the bridge by Islands Brygge. From there I ran up to Rådhuspladsen (the town hall square), and all the way from one end of Strøget (the walking street) to the other :-)

That was a lot of fun as it was full of tourists so I had to weave in and out of them. They were looking at me like I was some crazy person (I am a little but that's another story)!

From there I ran up to the queens palace Amalienborg Slot and smiled to the soldiers :-). Then up to the English church and my favourite water fountain called Gefion Fountain. It's turned off in the winter but is so beautiful to see on a summers evening!

From there I ran along the waterfront back towards the city centre and ran through Nyhavn. This is another beautiful area well worth a visit at anytime of the year but again especially worth seeing on a summers evening!

 I then went along the waterfront and under the first bridge, past the Black Diamond (Royal Library) , under Islands Brygge bridge, all the way up to Fisketørvet, then onto the main road up to Sydhavn, and then down Vejlands Alle and home.

All in all it was a great run!

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